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Tranter mills

Recent Deals

Do you know, we have been instructed on, and successfully negotiated projects totalling a sum in excess of £2 billion!


Drafting a collaboration agreement between two private sector entities and one public sector entity, to form the foundation for a mixed use development that will be worth approximately £2 billion, at conclusion in years to come.


Drafting the development and construction documentation in respect of the acquisition of sites for and on behalf of affordable housing entities (Registered Housing providers, or “RPs”) acquiring pursuant to section 106 agreements, some of whom acquire the site outright via an RP in the first instance, others acquiring, and then transferring to an RP, depending upon whether the land involved is the development of social affordable or social rented housing.


Managing a caseload of sites totalling approximately £40 million. Other projects include the acquisition of a site for 200 units, involving the need for additional security via a deed of priority and charge, and consideration of how the insolvency wording in the deed of priority can be drawn up to mirror the wording in the purchase agreement.


Drafting of conditional contracts, conditional on planning, and the approval of certain other agreements for example the form of 106. As to planning, being aware of the client’s requirements with regard to they type of planning was also a necessity, whether outline, to then go on to be challenged at reserved matters stage, in order to enable the RP to avoid 106 contributions, hence successfully negotiating their absence and need to be a party to the relevant 106 on that occasion.


Successfully negotiated the variation of a development agreement to enable an extension of time for completion of an agreed set of works pursuant to the original development agreement, together with variation to the 106 Agreement.


Instructed to act for a client acquiring a site via their SIPP and a lender from a receiver (which was challenging to say the least in terms of management), which was very time critical. We completed the deal earlier than expected, thus preventing the client from losing this particular site, which they had identified as being integral to their business plan

Other deals include

Completion of multi-million pound Academy long standard lease and construction contract.

Completion of complex overage provisions and variations to long standing overage deeds to enable different parts of the site to be caught be two types of clawback.

Completion of licences for building works.

Approval of sales and purchase contracts for multi million pound projects from international utilities providers and breweries (hence dealing with land contamination issues.

Disposal of sites that are deemed Assets of Community Value, and subject to the relevant provisions for the purposes of disposal.

Advised upon and involved in high profile property development projects including the development of a new outlet retail village.

Acquisition and leaseback of a site for £7.8 million to enable development and enhancement of the west midlands travel network.

Long lease and development project to enable the demolition and construction of a new bus depot.

What do my clients say?

“All of my instructions are derived from “word of mouth” referrals. I spend nothing on advertising. For example, a new job came in very recently, which came from a new client who was referred by an existing client. This really is the ultimate compliment as to my expertise” Zoe Tranter

Give something back – pro bono

“Where I can I try and take at least one matter on a pro bono or low fee basis for somebody who genuinely needs help where they could not ordinarily afford good legal advice. It is not financial gain that is a driving force, but more, a matter of some situations offending my sense of fair play, for which I feel compelled to step in and provide help to such individuals” Zoe Tranter

Tranter mills


Commercial Property


