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Tranter mills


For large projects and queries in relation to areas of law outside our areas of expertise, Zoe Tranter has the benefit of being able to call upon a number of consultants and contacts both in-house and in private practice for their services. The aim is to work together as your legal team. Tranter Mills offer very competitive hourly rates should you require a solicitor to take on more of an in-house role for larger projects and contracts with which you may need assistance.

Commercial Property




What do my clients say?

“All of my instructions are derived from “word of mouth” referrals. I spend nothing on advertising. For example, a new job came in very recently, which came from a new client who was referred by an existing client. This really is the ultimate compliment as to my expertise” Zoe Tranter

Give something back – pro bono

“Where I can I try and take at least one matter on a pro bono or low fee basis for somebody who genuinely needs help where they could not ordinarily afford good legal advice. It is not financial gain that is a driving force, but more, a matter of some situations offending my sense of fair play, for which I feel compelled to step in and provide help to such individuals” Zoe Tranter